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Take the fight out of eating and put the fun back in!

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Maya Naumann's Blog

Maya Naumann
Sep 12, 20224 min read
How the brain can bring freedom to eaters
I read something interesting about whales recently. While some scientist go into raptures over how intelligent they are, this thing I...
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Maya Naumann
Aug 3, 20225 min read
Solvitur Ambulando- It is solved by Walking
A friend was visiting me in Cape Town recently. She joined me on an afternoon walk. We came to a junction between a jeep track onto the...
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Maya Naumann
Jun 3, 20225 min read
Can body-tracking devices play a role in the non-diet approach?
Mandy rolls out of bed at the sound of her alarm clock. She slips off the headband that has been recording her brainwaves all night and...
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Maya Naumann
May 25, 20226 min read
The Menopause Question
How can peri-menopausal women avoid falling into the dieting trap when their bodies start changing? I was asked this question, and being...
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Maya Naumann
May 13, 20225 min read
What is intrapersonal Weight Stigma?
How does it contribute to poor health? Negative attitudes toward fat people are pervasive in our culture. Weight-bias in health-care and...
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Maya Naumann
Feb 10, 20224 min read
Self care, dance of love
I was listening to a debate about obesity in the US recently. One of the speakers, Kelly Bliss, made an interesting statement. She said...
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